A shared moment in dance for the adult and child (1-3 years). Based on creative dance, dance with a toddler aims to support the holistic development of the child, train the basic motoric skills and get to know the basics of dance. The toddler should already be able walk.

1-3 years

Class code Day Time Studio Teacher Duration Age Start date  
24527 Mo16:45KAS2HYT45 min1-3 v.12.8.2024
24528 We17:00KAMP2HYT45 min1-3 v.14.8.2024
24607 We17:30LUMOJK45 min1-3 v.14.8.2024
24531 Fr10:15KAMP2HYT45 min1-3 v.16.8.2024
24529 Fr16:30TIKKTS45 min1-3 v.16.8.2024
24532 Sa09:30KÄPHYT45 min1-3 v.17.8.2024
24530 Sa09:45MALTS45 min1-3 v.17.8.2024
24526 Sa10:15KAS5ES45 min1-3 v.17.8.2024